Well, the TC Waternamn Challenge and expo went better than expected. we set up our booth around nine am and didn't get done talking with people interested in our work until five that evening! and to finish off the days events we attended a great pig roast! A lot was learned and we heard a lot of the same comments from people, Rhings like, " it's awseome to see some real cradtman ship" or finally, a board not made in China". Tha's definetly a vibe I felt at the expo, people are tired of the same od block of foam popped out of a factory. It was fun to watch people gravitate towards our wood bboards, one lady couldn't quit rubbing her hands done the rails, asked if she needed a minute alone, and I think she considered it. all and all we learned that People want something different, but are still learry on changing to wood, We'll work on that with a few more demo boards availbe for the next one. over time see us growing to a well known shop here in the great lakes by shaping one board at a time just like we do now.
Here are a few pictures from the day

our very first booth, not bad for newcomers
Future team paddler
Our logo made the awards podium banner
mmmm, wood, water and sand, what a perfect comination
Jake out for quick cruise on the bay